hts.stop_time, hts.submission_date,
htb1.start_time each_day, hta.attribute1 project_id,
hta.attribute2 task_id, htb2.measure--, pt.task_name
FROM hxc_time_building_blocks htb,
hxc_time_building_blocks htb1,
hxc_time_building_blocks htb2,
hxc_time_attribute_usages htau,
hxc_time_attributes hta,
--pa_projects_all papa,
hxc_timecard_summary hts,
pay_element_types_f petf
--pa_tasks pt
WHERE htb1.parent_building_block_id = htb.time_building_block_id
AND htb1.parent_building_block_ovn = htb.object_version_number
AND htb.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
AND htb1.SCOPE = 'DAY'
AND htb1.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
AND htb2.parent_building_block_id = htb1.time_building_block_id
AND htb2.parent_building_block_ovn = htb1.object_version_number
AND htb2.date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
AND htau.time_building_block_id = htb2.time_building_block_id
AND htau.time_building_block_ovn = htb2.object_version_number
AND htau.time_attribute_id = hta.time_attribute_id
--AND papa.project_id = hta.attribute1
AND hts.start_time = htb.start_time
AND hts.resource_id = htb.resource_id
AND to_char(petf.element_type_id) =(SUBSTR(hta.attribute_category,11,LENGTH(hta.attribute_category)))
--AND htb.resource_id = p_resource_id
AND hts.timecard_id = :p_timecard_id
--AND hta.attribute_category = 'PROJECTS'
-- AND hts.approval_status = 'WORKING'
-- AND hta.attribute2 = pt.task_id
-- AND hta.attribute1 = pt.project_id
--and hts.timecard_id=38673
and hta.attribute_category is not null
and hta.attribute_category not like 'SEC%'
ORDER BY htb1.start_time;
Awesome query!. I searched for hours and this is the best! Thanks!
ReplyDeleteThnx A lot.. Good .. even I was searching to find the exact table to extract the time card details...
Thanks a TON Dipak.
ReplyDeleteThis is the exact query I am looking for.
Best Regards,
Bro I Need 1 help, is there anyway to get details of below reuirement.
ReplyDeleteHow to get a details of a receipt or invoice belongs to particular TIME CARD.?
kindly help me
how to fetch employees list in otl timekeeper group form using api