Sunday, 3 June 2012

Tables that stores the OAF data.

JDR_UTILS PL/SQL package supports the MDS repository and can be used to query and maintain the repository.
Now let’s see how, all that is mentioned above, happens.
MDS repository has 4 tables in all. Just 4 tables? Yes you heard it right it has only 4 tables and that’s it. These 4 tables can manage all the stuff that we have discussed till now.
These 4 tables are:
1. JDR_PATHS: Stores the path of the documents, OA Framework pages and their parent child relationship.
2. JDR_COMPONENTS: Stores components on documents and OA Framework pages.
3. JDR_ATTRIBUTES: Stores attributes of components on documents and OA Framework pages.
4. JDR_ATTRIBUTES_TRANS: Stores translated attribute values of document components or OA framework pages.

How MOAC impacts the way we work in TOAD

To set the Org id in TOAD
1. Get the Org_id from HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS

2. In toad execute the below code

To set the responsibility context in TOAD
1. Get the User id, Responsibility Id and Application id from Front end
    Help>Diagnostic>Examine and select BLOCK as "$PROFILES$" and then get the respective IDS

2. Using the IDs execute the below code in TOAD

      FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE(user_id in number,resp_id in number,resp_appl_id in number);

To set the Org id in TOAD
1. Get the Org_id from HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS

2. In toad execute the below code
    --Sets the 201 as single Org id
    Pass a value "S" in case you want your current session to work against Single ORG_ID
    Pass a value of "M" in case you want your current session to work against multiple ORG_ID's

To set the responsibility context and initiate MOAC in TOAD
1. Get the User id, Responsibility Id and Application id from Front end
     Help>Diagnostic>Examine and select BLOCK as "$PROFILES$" and then get the respective IDS

2. Using the IDs execute the below code in TOAD

          This will set your responsibility id, user_id etc

       b. call MO_GLOBAL.INIT('AR')
           This will read the MO profile option values for your responsibility/user, and will initialize the Multi
            Org Access.
MOAC for table access
In 11i _ALL Tables where non Org specific and Org specific views were created on these tables.
But in R12 its different concept
   a. For the table AP_INVOICES_ALL a synonym  AP_INVOICES_ALL is created in APPS.

  b. Also another synonym AP_INVOICES is created which refers to AP_INOICES_ALL.

 c. A Row Level security is applied to AP_INVOICES, using package function 
    This can be double-checked by running SQL select * from all_policies where

e. The effect of this policy is that,whenever you access AP_INVOICES, Oracle RLS will dynamically
    append WHERE CLAUSE similar to below

    WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM mo_glob_org_access_tmp oa WHERE oa.organization_id =

How to Enable "About the Page" in Oracle Application?

In order to enable "About the Page" in Oracle Application following profile needs to be set to Yes.

Profile name : "FND: Diagonistics"

Better try setting the above profile from Functional Administrator.

How to Submit A XML Publisher Report from Script

Follow the steps to Submit A XML Publisher Report from Script

1. Select and assign the layout before submitting the request as below.
l_attached := fnd_request.add_layout ( template_appl_name => 'XXXX'
,template_code => 'MFG_LABEL_PRN'
,template_language => 'US'
,template_territory => 'en'
,output_format => 'PDF'

2. Call the Submit_Request API next.
ln_req_id := fnd_request.submit_request (

How to switch on Diagnostics for Trace in OAF Pages?

Kindly follow the below steps for specific user who can reproduce the issue and provide the logs and trace files :
- Using System Administrator responsibility, set profile options at the user level:
FND: Debug Log Enabled : Yes
FND: Debug Log Filename : leave it as null
FND: Debug Log Level : Statement
FND: Debug Log Module : %
FND: Diagnostics = Yes
Click on Diagnostics Link on the top of the page and then select the option : set trace level , and then click